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Guidelines for outgoing students

I. General 
  1. Upon receiving an official admission letter issued by one of Taiwan Tech’s partner institutions, you are formally admitted to that institution on exchange and shall comply with its regulations. Once admitted, you are not allowed to apply to change your host institution and exchange period. Failure to report to your host institution, before the deadline as specified in your application form, will result in disqualification.
  2. After having received the admission letter and confirmed your acceptance of admission, you shall work closely with the Exchange Coordinator of your host institution on issue such as  accommodation, visa, course registration, credit transfer etc. 
  3. If you plan to stop your study in the middle of semester and return to Taiwan or go to the other country, you have to obtain official approval from the Exchange Coordinators of both home and host institutions. Failure to obtain such approval will result in disqualification from your chosen exchange program, and the student will be required to make full reimbursement of any scholarship awarded.
  4. Name of Host University and the exchange semester will be listed on your NTUST/Taiwan Tech transcript.
  5. Please follow all the administrative procedures explained here. You will be solely responsible for any delay in procedures that might arise from not carefully reading and following instructions.

II. Admission Letter
  1. The original admission letter will be sent by the host institution to the student directly. Some Japanese University will send hard copy to OIA, OIA will inform students to pick i up in a timely manner. 
  2. Confirm your English name and the exchange period written in your admission letter. Report any error to the host university immediately. Confirm that all the information in your admission letter is correct, because any inaccuracy may cause you inconvenience in your visa application and immigration clearance.
  3. You have only ONE original admission letter. You should take care not to lose the document and shall be held responsible for all the consequences of such a loss.
  4. Have your original admission letter and any other official documents issued by your host institution ready to hand for arrival and departure inspection procedures.
III. Expenses
  1. Generally, you do not have to pay any tuition fee needed to attend your host institution, unless you are required to do so under the institution’s agreement on student exchange with Taiwan Tech.
  2. Throughout your exchange period, you will be responsible for covering the costs of living, insurance, round-trip airfare, accommodation, and books as well as other personal expenses.
  3. You must pay full tuition for your home department at Taiwan Tech during your exchange semester. As required by the Office of Academic Affairs (OAA), a Study Abroad Procedure Form (as below) has to be completed and submitted. 
IV. Visa
For International students:
  1. Once students are accepted by partner universities, they will need to apply for a visa to the host country by themselves and find information about the details of visa application for students from their home country (which may be different from that for applications from Taiwan citizens). Students may apply for a visa at an embassy or representative office of the host country in their home country or in Taiwan.
  2. If the host country does not have an embassy or representative office in Taiwan, or if the office in Taiwan accepts visa applications only from Taiwan citizens, the student may need to travel to a nearby country that has an embassy or representative office or return to their home country in order to apply for a visa.
V. Accommodation
  1. You have apply for accommodation on your own, and without the assistance of the OIA. The application form for accommodation is usually attached to the application form for exchange programs. Note that under agreements on student exchange between Taiwan Tech and its partner institutions, your host institution will help you to look for accommodation, but is not obligated to provide accommodation.
  2. Whether or not you shall pay an application fee for accommodation depends on the housing policy of your host institution. Also note that paying an application fee for accommodation does not guarantee a dormitory vacancy.
  3. Be sure to arrive on the date when you are scheduled by your host institution to complete enrollment and accommodation procedures. Confirm your report-in date in advance with the Coordinator responsible for the administrative work of your chosen program.
VI. Course Registration
  1. Once you have enrolled, you are officially a student of your host institution and shall therefore abide by its regulations. Have your questions about course registration, if any, dealt with as early as possible before your departure from Taiwan.
  2. You shall abide by your host institution’s regulations and take and pass at least three courses from your field of studies (your major) during your exchange semester.  You shall also meet the minimum/maximum requirement of credit hours (if any) set out by your host university and attend and complete your courses without any unauthorized absences. If you are absent without leave or engage in any misconduct during your exchange period resulting in damage to Taiwan Tech’s reputation, Taiwan Tech has the right to demand the full reimbursement of your scholarship.
VII. Credit Transfer
  1. Your home department is solely responsible for determining which exchange courses you have completed can be accepted for credit on your Taiwan Tech academic record. The OIA has neither authority nor responsibility for such determination. Note that your credit transfer result will be determined at the sole discretion of your home department and that no request for a second review will be accepted.
  2. Whether or not your transfer credits are accepted, you will receive no refund of credit or tuition fees.
VIII. Financial Aid / Scholarships during Overseas Studies
For International students:

Name of Scholarship


Taiwan Scholarship

X   Not applicable.

Applicants who receive a Taiwan Scholarship must give up the scholarship and be approved by MOFA and MOE.

NTUST scholarship for International Graduate Students

O  Applicable

Applicants who have the approval of their faculty adviser might be able to receive their NTUST scholarship during his/her exchange stay at the host university.

NTUST Scholarship for Fourth and Fifth Year International Ph.D. students

O  Applicable

Applicants who have the approval of their faculty adviser might be able to receive their NTUST scholarship during his/her exchange stay at the host university.

IX. Submission of Required Documents Before Departure
  1. A copy of the Letter of Acceptance.
  2. A copy of the academic schedule from partner university.
  3. Study Abroad Procedure form (Note: The form must be signed by all the administrative units sequentially from left to right (as indicated on their assigned signature boxes at the bottom of the document) before being submitted to the OIA.)
X. Submission of Required Documents Upon Return to Taiwan Tech
  1. Within ONE month of completing your exchange studies and returning to Taiwan, you have to  submit the following documents to the OIA in personPlease prepare a USB stick with all digital files so that they can be uploaded onto a computer at the OIA.
    (1) the Reporting Back Form (as below) in duplicate, for the OIA and the OAA. (Both forms are originals.)

    (2) an evaluation of your exchange experience in English of three pages or more (in print and electronic forms)
    (3) 10 photos of your exchange experience (in electronic form)
    (4) the host institution academic transcript (can hand in later after receiving it)
    (5) a copy of the immigration authority's stamp in your passport
XII. Guidelines for Writing the Evaluation of Your Exchange Experience
  1. The evaluation must focus on your exchange experience, describing - for example - how you prepared before departure and what you learned on and off campus. Use this template(as below) as a guide for writing your evaluation. Make your evaluation as informative as possible. Evaluations which the OIA judges to be inadequate must be rewritten.
  2. In submitting your evaluation and photos to the OIA, you thereby grant Taiwan Tech the right to publish them on any part of its website and utilize them in exchange program introduction and promotion materials without having to offer compensation.