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Support Channels for International Students

Dear International students,

We want to ensure you have a smooth and enriching experience at Taiwan Tech. To help you settle in and make the most of your time, we've put together a guide to Taiwan Tech’s support services: Counseling Services, Gender Equality & Sexual Harassment Prevention, Study Partnerships Program, and Prevention of Fraud Guide. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these resources to get accurate and timely assistance when needed.

Counseling Services

Our Counseling Services Division offers mental health support for students and faculty members. We provide a range of services, including:

  • Individual counseling
  • Small group training
  • Psychological testing
  • Counseling with psychiatrists and lawyers

Additional resources:

  • Resource classrooms (1st floor of the Student Activity Center)
  • Counseling volunteer groups
  • Mentoring services
  • Life education and sexuality education programs

Areas we can help with:

  •  Adjusting to life at Taiwan Tech
  • Issues with eating or sleeping habits
  • Depression, anxiety, stress, trauma
  • Relationship issues (family, friends, roommates, classmates)
  • Personal identity concerns

Contact information:

Website: Taiwan Tech Counseling Services

Make an Appointment:

  • In Person: Visit us on the 2nd floor of the Student Center
  • Online: Use the Appointment System
  • Phone: Call (02) 2737-6312


Gender Equality & Sexual Harassment Prevention

Our mission is to promote gender equality, eliminate discrimination, and foster a respectful, inclusive environment. The Gender Equity Education Committee handles cases of sexual assault, harassment, or bullying.

Support Services:

We raise awareness about gender equality and protect the rights of all university community members, coordinating resources to maintain a respectful environment.

Reporting Incidents:

To report or request an investigation into campus sexual assault, harassment, or bullying, please contact:

  • Office of Student Affairs or the Secretariat Office
  • Phone: 02-2733-3141 Ext. 6139/1088

Emergency Contacts:

  • Student Safety Division: Phone: 02-2733-2886 or 0800-695-995 (Night time and holidays)
  • Campus Security: Phone: 02-2733-3141 Ext. 6176 / 1199 / 3799


Study Partnerships Program (Peer Tutoring)

Our Study Partnerships Program is a peer-tutoring program that pairs higher-performing, experienced students with those needing academic support. This initiative helps with learning challenges and is available to all Taiwan Tech students.

Program Structure:

  • Subject-Specific Courses: Managed by respective colleges and departments
  • First and Second Year Mathematics and Science Courses: Managed by the Center of Teaching and Learning Development

Application Information:

Applications typically open at the beginning of each semester.

Additional Information:

For more details, please visit: Study Partnerships Program Information

Prevention of Fraud 

To protect yourself from fraud, remember the Three Do's and Don'ts 

1. Do not accomodate unsolicited phone calls. Stay calm.

2. Do not give out personal information. Verify the facts.

3. Do not call back any suspicious phone numbers. Report the call to the authorities.

Use Helplines and Report Suspicions:

1. Police emergency number:110

2. Anti-Fraud Hotline:165 (in Chinese) 

3. Forward suspicious text messages to: 0911-511-111 for verification

If You Discover You’ve Been Scammed

-  Gather all evidence (e.g., transaction details) and report to the nearest police station.

- For online bank transfers, contact your bank immediately to stop the payment.

- Understand government measures for preventing fraud and seek immediate assistance if defrauded.

If you need assistance, please don't hestitate to conatct the OIA!