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International Dual Doctoral Degree Scholarships

This scholarship program is based on a collaboation in the field of energy and battery research between between Taiwan Tech and Ming Chi University of Techology. 
I. Cooperation institutions
  • Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT), Ph.D. Program of Energy and Battery Technology 
  • National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), College of Engineering / College of Applied Sciences
II. Eligibility: 
A. International students with a master’s degree from a university abroad who apply for admission for a full-time Ph. D. program at the NTUST College of Engineering / College of Applied Science  or to the Ph.D. Program of Energy and Battery Technology at MCUT
B. Applicants receiving a NTUST scholarship or any other scholarship from public funds (i.e. scholarhips awarded by the Taiwan government or any other public organization in Taiwan) are not eligibe to apply.   
III. Scholarship quota: Two students per year
IV. Requirements
A. Students must register on a full-time basis at both MCUT and Taiwan Tech. 
B. Students must fulfill the graduation requirements of both universities and submit two dissertations with different topics and content. Details of the research projects will be discussed with and supervised by faculty advisors from both universities.
C. As for course selection, students should give priority to courses offered at Taiwan Tech. Students will be required to complete credits in accordance with each of the two participating institutions’ regulations. 
D. As for dissertation-related research and laboratory work, students should give priority to MCUT.
V. Terms of the Scholarship:
A. Scholarship recipients will receive a waiver of tuition and fees, including credit-hour fees, for both MCUT and Taiwan Tech. 
B. Scholarship recipients will receive a monthly stipend of NTD 20,000 from MCUT for three consecutive years. The fourth year of scholarship will be granted based on an evaluation of the student’s research results and academic performance. 
C. Any of the following situations, upon confirmation by both universities that eligibility for scholarships should be cancelled, will result in the termination by MCUT of all scholarship payments:
- If a student takes leave of absence or is expelled from the university. 
- If a student graduates before the announced deadline.
- If a student violates university regulations. 
VI. When to file an application: In-coming students should file a scholarship application at the same time they submit their application for admission. 
VII. How to apply: To file a scholarship application, please apply on line. 
VIII. Required documents: 
  • Two declarations and authorization
  • One photocopy of the diploma
  • One ORIGINAL transcript of academic records in English OR one true copy of the original.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Recommendation letter
  • TOEFL ITP 500 or its equivalent
  • Research outcome or publications
  • Study plan (500 words)
  • Abstract of master thesis
  • Past employment (option)
For more information, please contact Ms. Weihu Lin