


Work Permit Notice / 工作許可注意事項

For international students who wish to work in Taiwan (either on campus or off campus), they are required to apply for and obtain the work permit before starting work. Please note that if you hold a job without applying for the work permit, you may be fined for NT$30,000 – 150,000!



Required Documents / 應備文件

  1. Scanned of your certificate of study for the current semester (NOT your student ID card). 在學證明(請勿提供學生證)
  2. Scanned copy of valid passport. 有效護照
  3. Scanned copy of valid ARC (both sides). 有效外僑居留證正反面
  4. Scanned copy of the receipt of fee transferring from post office (the amount is NT$100)
    For applicants may transfer the application fee in post office.
    Account Name: 勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶
    Account Number: 19058848
  5. Proving Documents (any one of following documents is acceptable) 相關證明文件, 應檢附下列證明文件其中之一:
(1) Specific proof of the applicant’s financial difficulty in supporting his or her living or education. Please explain the reasons on the NTUST application certificate. 其財力無法繼續維持其學業及生活,並能提出具體證明者。請於臺科大外國學生工作證申請證明書中簡述理由。
(2) Proof that the applicant is needed for the academic work at the educational institute he or she is enrolled at. The proof should be issued by the educational institution which requests the student’s participation. It should be attached or be pasted on the reason column of NTUST application certificate. 就讀學校之教學研究單位需外國學生協助參與工作者。請雇用之教學研究單出具證明,並將該證明附於臺科大外國學生工作證申請證明書之後或黏貼於臺科大外國學生工作證申請證明書之申請理由欄內。
(3) Proof of the applicant’s need of doing off-campus intern in relation to his or her studies. The proof should be issued by the department which gives the course. It should be attached or be pasted on the reason column of NTUST application certificate. 與本身修習課程有關,需從事校外實習者。請開課系所出具證明,並將該證明附於臺科大外國學生工作證申請證明書之後或黏貼於臺科大外國學生工作證申請證明書之申請理由欄內。
(4) Graduate students who work on course-related academic research with the school permission. 就讀研究所,經學校同意從事與修習有關之校內外研究工作。
(5) Students with foreign language skills approved by Ministry of Education can be part-time instructors in language centers of colleges or in language institutes established by foreign countries. 具特殊語言專長,並經教育部專案核准,可擔任各大專校院附設語言中心或是外國於台設立之語言機構兼任外國語文教師者。

Application Procedure / 申請流程

  1. Only online application is possible, please read the following guidelines on how to apply via the internet. 目前僅能線上申請,請詳閱「線上申請工作證流程手冊」


Other Regulations / 其他相關規定

  1. The status of international students in Taiwan should be in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education. 外國留學生,應符合外國學生來臺就學辦法規定之外國學生身分。

  2. The period validity of a work permit is 6 months at most. 工作許可期間最長時間為6個月。

  3. For applications made in the first semester, the work permit is valid until March 30th of the next semester; for applications made in the second semester, the work permit is valid until September 30th of the same year. 於上學期申請者,工作許可證之期限至次學期3月30日止。於下學期申請者工作許可證期限至同年的9月30日。

  4. The maximum working hours are 20 hours per week, except during summer and winter vacation. 除寒暑假外,每星期最長時數為20小時。

  5. Workforce Development Agency has the right to revoke the permit if the applicants do not follow the regulations. 若未依前項規定,勞動力發展署得依就業服務法廢止其工作許可

  6. According to Employment Services Act, foreigners who work without a work permit will be fined from NT$30,000 to NT$150, 000. 未依規定申請工作許可,即受聘僱為他人工作者,依就業服務法,處新臺幣三萬元以上十五萬以下之罰鍰。

  7. Students should return the work permit (if valid) to Office of International Affairs if they suspend or discontinue their study. 學生因休學、退學者,若工作許可證仍在有效期限內,應將工作許可證繳回國際事務處。

For more details and regulations, please contact Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor.
4F., No.439, Zhongping Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 24219, Taiwan
Tel: (02) 8995-6000
Office Hour: Monday to Friday, 8:30 – 12:30; 13:30 – 17:30

(02) 8995-6000


