
歐洲 > 義大利


義大利共和國 Italian Republic




++以下資訊供參考, 各校當期申請資格限制依各校網站公告為準++

++The information is for reference only. Applicants shall check partner university's website for detailed requirements ++



University Name




Number of Students

Polytechnic University of Milan



  1. 碩二以上研究生。
    Limited to 2-year graduate students or above.
  2. 該校合作學院:
    Student could apply for:
  • School of Design:限設計系申請, 課程多以義大利文授課, 建議申請人有良好義語能力。Limited to students from Department of Design. Courses are all taught in Italian. Applicants should be able to follow courses in Italian.
  • School of Civil, Environment and Land Management Engineering(School of Engineering I):限營建系申請, 部份課程有英語授課。
    Limited to students from Department of Civil & Construction Engineering. Some courses are available in English.
  • School of Architectural, Urban Planing and Construction Engineering(School of Engineering VI):限營建系及建築系申請, 部份課程有英語授課。
    Limited to students from Department of Civil & Construction Engineering and Department of Architecture. Some courses are available in English.
  • School of Bussiness(MIP Graduate School of Bussiness):限MBA學程申請。
    Limited to students from MBA program.
  1. 該校得依其需求, 臨時要求申請人出具各類補充備審文件 (如作品集), 申請人不得有異議。
    Applicants may be asked to provide portfolio or other related documents.



School of Civil, Environment and Land Management Engineering 2 名

School of Architectural, Urban Planing and Construction Engineering 1 名

School of Bussiness 2 名

University of Parma



  1. 限機械工程系及高速3D列印研究中心大二以上大學生及研究生申請。
    Limited to sophomore students or above of Department of Mechanical Engineering and High Speed 3D printing center.
  2. 申請者須具備英語檢定成績同等CEFR歐洲語言能力共同參考指標B1(含)以上證明,或義大利文檢定成績同等CEFR歐洲語言能力共同參考指標A2(含)以上證明。
    Applicants shall submit an English language certificate equivalent to CEFR B1 level or above; or an Italian language certificate equivalent to CEFR A2 level or above.
  3. 申請者請逕洽機械工程系或高速3D列印研究中心。
    Please reach Department of Mechanical Engineering or High Speed 3D printing center for applications.
2 名