【轉知】九州大學新開放交換研修項目,歡迎申請 New Exchange Program of Kyushu University Is Open for Application






  1. 請詳閱課程說明,須先經國際處提名始可向日方申請加入本課程
  2. 如欲申請校內提名,請在申請截止日前,將以下文件電子掃描檔寄至beejingyang@mail.ntust.edu.tw

a) 歷年中英文成績單

b) 英檢成績單(僅接受托福、雅思及劍橋英檢成績)

c) 日檢成績單

d) 申請基本資料表(請填寫後繳交)

  1. 本課程與112-1學期出國交換僅能擇一前往。
  2. 台灣學生參與本課程赴日研修並通過3門課程者,可申請臺科選優獎學金。
  3. 若有其他疑問請洽國際處楊璧菁小姐(beejingyang@mail.ntust.edu.tw)

Kyushu University open a new exchange program called Q-PELS (Kyushu University Program for Emerging Leaders in Science). Details as below:

  1. Program detail is as information sheet. Pleaes read carefully before applying.
  2. Applicant need to be reviewed and nominated by OIA first. Then applicants can apply for Kyushu University admission.
  3. Apply for on campus nomination: submit the following documents to : beejingyang@mail.ntust.edu.tw before Feb. 3, 2023
  1. Transcript (from 1st semester study at Taiwan Tech till now)
  2. English Language Certificate (TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge)
  3. Japanese Language Certificate
  4. Applicate form (download it and fill up)
  1. If you also apply for the 112-1 Fall exchange program and been assigned another program, you may only select one program from both.
  2. International students need to support themselves financially for all the fees causes by studying in KU.
  3. Any question regarding the program, check with OIA, Ms. Bee-Jing Yang at beejingyang@mail.ntust.edu.tw